Die Kunst der heraldik

World heraldry at your fingertips


Heraldry is the practice of displaying a personal coat of arms to identify oneself. Heraldry is the art designing, recording, displaying, granting and describing coats of arms. During the 12th century, simple coats of arms were being passed down to children throughout Europe. Heraldry came into practice by the end of that century. Heraldic tradition differs from country to country. In Britain, coats of arms belonged to an individual rather than a family and were legally granted from father to son. As they were used for legal documents and identification, their use was austerely controlled. Therefore, a strict protocol for creating coats of arms, including what symbols and colors could be used was practiced by practitioners of heraldry.
The word "heraldry" is based on the Germanic word "harja-waldaz," which means "army commander." It means the person who announce an advancing army, or could identify its main components, for example its knights, their method of fighting, and particularly their recod of success in the field, all very important things for a commander before taking the risky decision to commence battle.
Heraldry is the practice of displaying a personal coat of arms to identify oneself. At its height in the Medieval period in Europe, noblemen and knights placed heraldry on their armor, shields, banners and other property. The origin of heraldry is not clear, and its original purpose is disputed by historians.
The earliest known example of a Norman type Heraldic shield was found on a tombstone in the Alsace region of France, it is dated 1010AD.
Heraldry as we know it spread across Europe from Germany, and was brought to England by the Normans in 1066, eventually finding its way to Ireland shortly after. The early Norman/English Coats-of-Arms originally carried fairly simple geometric designs, and later came images of Lions, Stags, Castles and Weaponry.
During the time of the Medieval Era, the practice of bearing personal symbols, colors and designs upon the shields came into play. This was a means to distinguish individual soldier and to which army they belonged to; thus, avoiding the killing of your own fellow soldiers. By the 14th century, the practice was furthered by embroidering the personal insignia on the surcoat which was worn over the suit of armor – this is where the term “Coat of Arms” originated.
Today, the descendants of a particular surname most often adopts the Coat of Arms of their ancestral surnames, primarily the oldest and first registered. Some authorities say this practice is wrong, but some concluded that assuming the family surname and bearing of it over many generations is the same principle and practice as assuming and bearing a family surname Coat of Arms, and thus justifies it.
Heraldry is the art designing, recording, displaying, granting and describing coats of arms. During the 12th century, simple coats of arms were being passed down to children throughout Europe. Heraldry came into practice by the end of that century. Heraldic tradition differs from country to country. In Britain, coats of arms belonged to an individual rather than a family and were legally granted from father to son. As they were used for legal documents and identification, their use was austerely controlled. Therefore, a strict protocol for creating coats of arms, including what symbols and colors could be used was practiced by practitioners of heraldry.
Historically, it has been variously described as "the shorthand of history" and "the floral border in the garden of history."


Emblems, called serekhs, were used in ancient Egypt, indicating the reach of a certain regime. These were sometimes attached to goods for trading. Ancient warriors customarily painted their shields with symbols and mythological motifs; these were used as identifying marks. The Roman army made use of similar markings for identification purposes, as well. Although these were not heraldic emblems, they could be considered a forerunner of coats of arms which appeared in the Middle Ages.
Ancient peoples, from the Babylonians to the Vikings, carved symbols into the prows of ships to identify the owners. Symbols carved in wood or stone or inscribed on hides, marked ownership for Native American tribes, Asian warlords and African headmen. In Europe the people of many lands used symbols or crests for family identification, even in nomadic times.
The earliest documented use of a coat of arms on a shield is the crest of Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou, in 1127. He received his heraldic device from King Henry I of England, who was his father-in-law. According to the Oxford Guide to Heraldry, Plantagenet's crest was an azure shield with four gold lions rampant.
Heraldic crests may have identified knights in full armor to one another during battle, but typically crests were more about status and personal vanity. The practice of bearing heraldic symbols on shields and banners became more popular with the rise of knights' tournaments, and by 1400, competitors had to have the proper heraldic symbols to participate in such an event. When jousting tourneys died out, coats of arms remained in use as seals for documents, carvings on gates and family tombs, or as banners flown outside homes.
With the suppression of private armies, and the gradual disappearance in the 16th century of both tournaments and closed helmets, the sporting and military uses of heraldry became less important and it became rather a decorative art. Coats of arms were carved over doorways, woven on tapestries, placed in stained glass windows and engraved on silver.
Many heralds attempted to "collect" as many arms for their published works as they could, an arduous task obviously limited by the inability to travel or communicate over vast regions. In addition, through the ages, vast numbers of heraldic records have been lost and many legitimate coats of arms cannot be found in reference books of today.


Today Heraldry can be seen in civic flags, and the regimental plates on every army vehicle, as well on government buildings and institutions. It can also be seen in the multi-colored jerseys of players on sports field, and at a horse race, where jockeys wear colored and patterned vests so they can be identified from a great distance, as was their original purpose. When most people think of Heraldry they think of Richard the Lion Heart riding into battle dressed in full Heraldic regalia, with a richly decorated shield and sur-coat. But the origins of heraldry lie far back in the misty world of the middle ages, and their story is rich interweave of tapestry, with each stitch representing a colorful strand of European history.
Many heraldic societies exist around the globe. People view heraldry as part of their heritage and as a way to show pride in their origins. Nations, provinces, states, counties and cities continue to add to the traditions of civic heraldry.
Heraldry continues to flourish in the modern world. Institutions, companies, and individuals continue to use coats of arms as forms of pictorial identification. In the British Isles, the Kings of Arms and the Chief Herald of Ireland continue to make grants of arms. There are also heraldic authorities in Spain, Canada and South Africa that grant or register coats of arms. Heraldic societies abound in the world today in Africa, Asia, Australia, the Americas, and in Europe.
Some people who have interests in heraldry as a hobby participate in the Society for Creative Anachronism and other medieval revivals or in micro nationalism. Many more people see heraldry as a part of their national, and even personal, heritage, as well as a manifestation of civic and national pride.
Today, heraldry has ceased to be an expression of aristocracy throughout the world and is simply a form of identification. Military heraldry continues to develop, incorporating blazons unknown to the medieval world. Nations and their subdivisions, provinces, states, counties, cities, and more continue to build on traditions of civic heraldry. 


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